

Ameliorate Health is an On-line Private Practice Therapy Service whose mission is to provide and promote Mental Health Care Services and Education to clients by use of evidence-based, client centered therapy and counseling. By offering these services Ameliorate Health seeks to improve your knowledge and understanding of the impact Mental Health has on your overall wellness. We will help you to empower your performance in life by identifying strengths, resources, and tools you can use through various forms of therapy and counseling sessions. 



Individualized Therapy has been clinically proven to help people identify and address underlying issues contributing to their mental health concerns. By talking through their experiences and feelings with a therapist, individuals may better understand the root causes of their problems and develop strategies for addressing them. By providing a safe and supportive space for people to express their emotions and work through difficult experiences. People find it helpful to have a trained professional to listen to them and provide guidance and support as they navigate challenges. Helping people develop coping skills and strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns can be especially beneficial for people struggling to cope with complex life events or facing ongoing stressors in their lives. Engaging in Individual therapy and counseling can be a valuable investment in an individual’s mental health and overall Wellness.

 Educational          Workshops
Ameliorate Health offers educational workshops on many topics of mental health and wellbeing. Some of the topics include Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Service Delivery, Overall Wellness, and many more.

Having good mental health makes life easier. It helps us to calm and comfort ourselves when we’re upset, to cope with the losses, changes, fears and uncertainties in life, to make and keep good relationships with other people and to learn. When our mental health is not so good, life feels more of a struggle. We might often feel sad or tearful, and hopeless and exhausted. We might feel under unbearable stress, or often worried about bad things happening to us or people we care about. All of these are very common experiences. By offering workshops focused on education and awareness, skill building, peer support, and healthy lifestyle promotion, institutions can empower participants to take control of their mental health and develop resilience.

            FAMILY THERAPY 

Family therapy is a form of group psychotherapy (talk therapy) that focuses on the improvement of interfamilial relationships and behaviors.

In family therapy, a group can consist of many different combinations of loved ones, such as parents/guardians and their children, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends, kinship caregivers, and more. Therapy can help with situations such as: Adjusting to a new life change, a medical condition, changes, and challenges that come with aging, death and grief, relationship conflicts, such as parent-child conflict or sibling conflict.

 What issues can family therapy help fix?

Families attend therapy for several different reasons. Problems that family therapy can help fix include (

Strained relationships between family members.

Stress, Anger, Communication issues.

Trauma (physical or emotional).

Coping with acute or chronic illness of a family member, such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, stroke, chronic pain or an autoimmune disease.

The death of a loved one and grief.

Divorce or romantic relationship issues.

Coping with sudden changes, such as unemployment, moving or incarceration.


"We don't ask you to believe in our ability to bring change, rather, we ask you to believe in yours.”
― Barack Obama

“You may think there is a lot wrong with you, but there is also a lot right with you.”
Joel Osteen,

“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.”

---Maya Angelou

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